
Categorical Archives

One of the first things I ever tried to comment to Blogger about was categorical archiving. Some of Blogger's competition, as well as many personally-hosted blogs, utilize this function to group historical posts under a common category.

An example of this would be movie reviews. I saw a lot of movies this past summer, and posted my thoughts on at least a couple of them, before I got lazy about it. Now, if you wanted to quickly see what I thought about a certain movie, the easiest way would be for you to click on a link on my sidebar that said "My Movie Reviews." It would save you the laborious task of paging through my many months of random blogging just trying to find a random movie review I wrote.

The practicality of this expands to all types of topics, including but not limited to posts on music, arts, sports, subway stories, restaurant reviews, or political opinions, just to name a few.

I tried to find some creative ways to do this when I first realized the option wasn't available, but I'm not html savvy enough to re-write my template to allow this.


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