
The Dashboard

Ok so its been a couple weeks since I got this thing rolling, sorry about that. I blame work, as usual. Hey, you try working in retail this time of year.

The issue du jour is the Blogger Dashboard. The page you get right when you log on, that gives you some helpful info such as the name(s) of your blog(s), the last updates you made, and the total number of posts you've made (on your given number of blogs).

Is it just me, or does the total posts number only update every few weeks or so. I've been at 90 posts (on my other blog) for the last 5 posts (i.e. I made my 90th post 5 posts ago, but it still says I have only made 90). I was stuck at 79 posts for probably (just guessing) posts 79 through 87 or 88. Regardless of my attempts to refresh the page, it would continue to tell me that I only had 79 total posts.



Blogger witw said...

This is really starting to annoy me too. For a while it just seemed that the info lagged what you were actually doing. No big deal, especially since I understand that Blogger got overwhelmed by how many people started blogs. Way beyond their expectations. But now my info hasn't been updated since the election in November? Ridiculous.

January 11, 2005 at 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Мы прожили коллективно 27 лет. А потом у него появились сложности с работой, он уехал мучиться в непохожий город, далеко. Он приехал и сказал мне, сколько живет с противоположный женщиной уже неделю, а перед этого они встречались 4 месяца. Вот это был шок, казалось, сколько я во сне. Я осталась с пустотой и дикой болью в душе. Я стараюсь справиться, однако пока исключительно два дня прошло, тяжело... [url=http://profvesti.ru/o-maloetazhnom-stroitelstve/114-tekhnologii-maloetazhnogo-stroitelstva.html]строительный портал волгоград[/url]

January 25, 2013 at 1:33 PM  

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