
Back in action

But who knows for how long. Life got busy there, for a moment.

Anyway, dashboard update: still 90 posts, on my other blog, still 2 posts, on this one (as of right now, I'm guessing it should be somewhere in the low 120's, and 3, respectively).

I've got plenty of other Blogger pet peeves to write about, but I'll save them for later posts. In the meantime, check out witw's post on expandable links, here. This is cool and I hope to find the time to do it with my other blog, sometime real soon. In fact, I may be able to find a way to manipulate the code to solve my "categorical archiving" complaints, but I highly doubt that.

Regardless, this is a feature that Blogger should already have, not one we should have to hack.

Happy holidays.

(as noted on my other blog, Blogger's spell check function does not recognize the term "blog." Nor does it "Blogger." Ha.)